Haverhill Planting Goal Progress:

Last Updated: January 22, 2024
Am I In The Zone?
Meet Your Local Foresters:

James Boyle
Education: B.S. Forestry, University of Vermont (2022)
Experience: While studying at the University of Vermont for my degree in forestry, I worked for the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative for several seasons and collected forest health data throughout New England. I started working for the DCR in May of 2022 as a Forestry Assistant until accepting the Quincy Forester 1 position.
Interests: Backpacking, fishing, rock climbing, archery
Favorite Tree & Reason: My favorite tree is the Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis). They have unique corky bark structure, berries that provide food to a variety of wildlife, and are extremely hardy in urban environments. They are fast growing, make excellent large shade trees, and bring a little bit of everything to the table!

Marc Ghen
Education: Bachelor of Science, Forestry with Minor in Wildlife Conservation Biology, University of New Hampshire; Associates of Science, Forest Technology, University of New Hampshire.
Experience: Began working with the DCR in 2017, after receiving degree at UNH and working for 4 years in the Department of Woodlands and Natural Areas as a Forest Technician. Worked with the Rockingham County Conservation District as a technician, on projects such as invasive species control at Odiorne State Park in Rye, NH. Also worked as a Utility Forester with Eversource, and spent nearly 4 years with Exxon Mobil as an equipment operator and vegetation control specialist. ISA certified Arborist.
Interests: Arboriculture, Forestry, Gardening, Science and Mechanics.
Favorite Tree: European Copper beech (Fagus sylvatica) because of its grand size and burgundy foliage. Mature Copper beech are magnificent landscape specimens that are slow growing and have often witnessed hundreds of years of history.